What every premed needs to know

Disclaimer: If you are still deciding if medical school is for you, then take a look at my earlier post or other posts of medical school students that dropped out. In summary, make sure you know what you are getting into before beginning on the trail of pre-medicine and then medical school.

And now about what you need to know...

While you are in the pre-application phase, you should know that medical schools nearly require you to have experience with research and exposure to medicine usually through volunteering. Both representatives from Georgetown and UC Irvine told me that they look make sure that each of their applicants have had some form of research experience either in the lab or clinical. Some applicants are not aware of this. Although you may only want to do patient care in the future, it's essential that you practice research in some form. I recommend that you look up some professors research in Biology or whatever your field of interest is, and then, email the principle investigator to see if you can be involved in their research. There are also many summer research programs that could be great opportunities. You may not be paid, but at least several months of research (at the bare minimum. Most applicants do 1-2 years) will pay off in getting into medical school.

In addition to research, try working or volunteering in another medical area of interest to you. I volunteered at the Thornton Emergency Room, UCSD student-run Free Clinic, and led clinical trips to Mexico. I also earned my Emergency Medical Technician certificate at MiraMar college. I found these to be more interesting and fulfilling than my research so I devoted myself more to these activities. Whatever your medical interest is, make sure you are able to show that it is your passion through working or volunteering. If there was one quote that medical students repeatedly said to me throughout, it was "do what you are passionate about." This is true and should carry out into you working hard in your area of medical interest.

The other important tip I can give is to be unique! Committees see a TON of applicants every application cycle so if you can look desirable and different than the rest, this will benefit you. This is the reason that 1/2 of non-science majors are admitted to medical school, while just 1/3 science majors get in. Medical school committees like to see that you have taken the time to learn languages, dance, study humanities, business, and statistics, or go abroad, in addition to other activities that make you a more well-rounded person. A medical school committee doesn't want to admit solely science machines and test acers, they want to admit varied, interesting, and engaging people who are also good at science.

But of course there's more! Committees like to see that you can be an effective leader. In essence, a doctor is a leader to nurses, families and hospital staff, so medical schools love to see that you have taken initiative and lead organizations and groups. Being a leader of an organization means 100x more to medical schools than does being a member of an organization. In fact, anyone can write he was a member of a group on an application after attending just one meeting. But being a leader or better yet, the head leader of an organization requires much more responsibility and work. I was the leader of FISH (Fellowship of International Service and Health) for two years, and a decent amount of my personal statement was devoted to what I had learned from it. About 50-60% of the questions I received from interviewers were about the organization and how I lead it. This made interviews more enjoyable because I like talking about FISH and what I had done with it. If you can work your way to the leadership of an organization or found your own, this will show dedication and initiative. Still, make sure you are passionate about it, and not just in it to throw it on your app, because if you are you will soon burn out. One of the great things about leading an organization is that you learn so many skills at once. Public speaking, delegation, planning, improvising, and communication are all so necessary that you will soon develop in all of these areas.